Coaches and Managers Meeting Recap

Key points from the Coaches and Managers meeting, 6th March 2023

New goals

There are new goals available for training at The Ridge, please ensure they are returned and locked up at the end of the session.

Please register at Play Football

Coaches and Mangers MUST register with in Play Football as coaches and managers and
upload their WWC.

Working with Children Check (WWC)

Working with Children (WWC) application must be completed by all club officials and any coach or manager of a team that contains children 18 years and younger unless the Coach or Manager is themselves under the age of 18.

Please visit the NSW Government Office of the Children’s Guardian for further information on how to apply.

Bangor FC requires a copy of your WWC registration copy and your date of birth once you have had your application form processed. This needs to be emailed to our club protection officer Mick Appleyard, for compliance prior to the start of the season.

Trial Games

Trial games are inhouse and will be held on 18th and 19th of March, details to follow.

Match Sheets

Reminder that match sheets MUST be filled in and signed by Coach/Manager and Ground Control each week. Please make sure it is at the end of the match to ensure accuracy in game results.

Rule books

Rule books are available in team pigeonholes and Billa Oval and The Ridge. Please remember to
pick them up. They are very detailed and contain information that includes borrowing rules
(Rule 16) which are imperative.

ID Cards

ID cards must be available and shown at each game.


Should an injury occur during a match, please make sure an accident form is filled out and
completed immediately.

Ground Control

Teams will be allocated ground control four times throughout the season. To assist with set up,
BBQ, ground control and pack up. You will be contacted by our Draw Secretary Michael
Hulskamp with details.

Coach the Coaches training nights

There will be three Coach the Coaches training nights, the first in mid April, more details to

Need help?

Should you need any assistance please reach out.

Our Partners and Sponsors

Please support the businesses that support our club