Let’s play some football!

The 2023 season finally kicks off this weekend

Good luck to all Brumbies. We hope you have a fantastic season.

Check the SSFA website for game times and locations and don’t forget to wear some orange for Harmony Day!

(“What if it rains tomorrow?” Shhhh! Don’t say the R word! See below for details)

Let’s go Brumbies!

2023 Season Kicks Off THIS WEEKEND!

Bangor FC Grading

Let’s GO Brumbies!

We’re all set for a massive season in 2023. We’re looking forward to some great football and plenty of fun for everyone.

Thanks to all the Coaches, Managers, Committee Members and other volunteers who have put in a huge effort behind the scenes to get us ready to play this weekend.

For those who are new, make sure you double-check the field location for your game and try to arrive a bit early because parking can be limited at some locations.

Please check the SSFA website to see when and where your team is playing…

Game times and locations
Harmony Week

Round #1 is Harmony Week (20th–26th March)

What’s Harmony Week?

It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community.

This is a joint initiative between Sutherland Shire Council and the SSFA to promote Harmony Week during the weekend of Round 1.

The theme is Orange and players are asked to consider spraying their hair orange, wearing orange ribbons or consider another unique idea to show their support.

Okay, what if it rains this weekend?

First of all, remember, we’re not saying the R word. Think dry thoughts.

But for those who like to be prepared, check out the Wet Weather page on our website for the details.

The responsibility for ground closures lies with the Sutherland Shire Football Association (SSFA). If they say it’s too wet, they’ll tell Bangor FC and we will notify Coaches and Managers.

So the best thing to do is assume your game is on. You’ll hear from your Coach or Manager if anything changes.

Ground Control Duty

The Brumbies run with volunteers!

Every week, it takes a team effort to ensure the fields are set up, the BBQ is hot and the games run smoothly.

We thank you in advance for pitching in to help when it is your team’s turn. Many hands make light work, as they say.

Teams on Ground Control for Round 1 have been notified. Coaches and Managers will be notified ahead of time when it is your team’s turn.

You can view the Ground Control roster for week 1 and 2 on the website…

View Ground Control

Casual Paid Shifts available in our Canteens

How would you like to earn a few extra dollars on the weekend and help out your favourite football club at the same time?

We’re looking for some extra staff members to keep the canteens running each weekend.

If you’re interested, please reach out to Kirsten for further details:

We’re looking for the Brumby of the week

Brumby of the Week is back for 2023!

Every Monday during the season, we will be showcasing our best and fairest on our Facebook Page.

Whether it’s a feel good story, a special milestone or an amazing achievement, we want to hear about it.

To nominate a player or team, send a message to our Facebook page by 9pm Sunday with a photo as well as their name, team and why you think they should be crowned Brumby of the Week.

Trial Games were a huge success

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Trial Games Weekend.

It was great to have a run around the park before the season kicks off in round 1.

Unfortunately, some teams missed out as various players had other commitments. (We’re not sure what could possibly be more important than your beloved Brumbies, but we hope you had fun too! 😉)

A few teams had to be mixed and matched to make some games happen, so thanks for your flexibility and patience.

And above all, thanks for those who took on the job of referee—we couldn’t have done it without your support.

Who will be first to score in the new goals at The Ridge?

Yes our brand new goals at The Ridge look amazing. Yes they make training and set up easier. But we want to know who will be first to slot one into the back of the net?!

Let us know on Facebook. Send a message to our Facebook page by 9pm Sunday with a photo as well as their name and team.

These new, portable goals will make set up and pack down on game day far simpler for those on ground duty with the added bonus of enabling teams to train using full size goals without wearing down the goal area.

Please be sure to take care of the goals and lock them away after use.

At a cost of around $20,000, this is just one of the ways we are investing in the development of our players and the future of our Club.

Support your club: sponsor the Brumbies

Do you own a local business? Keen to increase your brand awareness and generate new leads in the 2234 area?

Bangor FC currently has a number of sponsorship packages available for this season!

For more information or to get involved, get in touch with our Promotions Officer ( today!

Coaches & Managers — about borrowing players

This is just a call out for our Coaches and Managers incase you need to borrow players this season.

The SSFA’s rules can be tricky and we don’t want you to get caught out.

If you’re interested, check out the Borrowing Charts to see the rules for who you can and can’t borrow if you’re ever short a few players.

Please make sure you carefully read all the information about Registration and everything else for the season ahead on the website.

And remind your team mates to sign up for the newsletter so they can stay up to date this season!

Run with the Brumbies!

Shane Hockings
President Bangor FC

Our Partners and Sponsors

Please support the businesses that support our club